make me sad, make me mad, make me feel alright?


Triangle Staff

The Production company, Triangle Staff Official Page.
Takahiro Kishida's works (layouts, keyframes) are available.

デジタル・クリエーター発信 WEBZINE にて、オンエアの真っ最中に行われた、 ueda 、安倍、中原、小中の BBS 形式インタヴュウ。扉ページの下側の画像をクリックすると、 COS (一話に登場する子ども用NAVI -OS )の起動画面ムービーが見られます(要・ QuickTime 3.0 )。

Japanese Web-zine. This site has the contents of lain.
There is virtual interview of the "lain" staff.
And you could see the "COS"(Operating System in lain) start up movie. (Click the lower picture in the page.)


Fan Site Links
Japanese fan sites


English Contents Links

Equater's Production by Equater
This site has English translated contents.
AX magazine's TEXTs, Interview with the producer will be available.

Protocol of lain's world by Miki Utsumi
This site has English translated contents.
Illustrated TV Story is cool. Check the cast list, then click the each episode's summary.

Close the World by RAY
Lot of Flash movies. Cool deseigned site. English descriptions.

serial experiments lain by YAS
This site is good for the foreigner.The report of "lain talk live" can be seen only here. And Yas made the lain figures and exhibits them.

c h e n i l r e v e s by Kyuubino Sesshusai Newly opened in 2000 spring. The new fan of lain makes the lain pages.

Cyberia Cafe & Club NEW!
European fan group's site.(Sorry, I missed link.)

Real Life NEW!
American Comic artist, illustrator Greg Dean's "Online Comic". The the character Crystal, who is based on a real
person, is a lain fan.
